Among the liquids for the Organic Rankine Cycle R245fa is an interesting fluid. The first important choice is individuating the working fluid in the ORC system.
Subroutine trnsys newtemp generator#
The aim of the present work is developing an important tool for guiding the assembling of a prototype of a solar energy/ORC compact electricity generator with 3 kW as power output. The modeling with TRNSYS supports the analysis allowing the user to interact with the numerous parameters involved and obtaining different scenarios and results. Thus, an efficient mathematical model that describes systems performances, environmental interaction, and development is needed. The appropriate design of all the components involved is important to achieve high efficiency and continuous electricity production. This tank is the hot source of an Organic Rankine Cycle system with electricity output. The technological option analyzed in this paper is the conversion of solar energy through solar collectors and storage as hot water in an insulated tank. As a matter of fact, storage of electricity with batteries requires skilled maintenance and it is not easily achievable in remote locations. The photovoltaic module is a commercial technology to convert solar energy directly in electricity, but the low efficiency conversion and above all the need of batteries for storage purpose limit the application in developing countries.

The low energy density and the fluctuations of the source availability are the main obstacles in the solar energy applications. In remote locations, the conversion of solar energy in electricity could be an important option to enhance the development of rural communities. Solar energy is available everywhere and completely renewable. In the future the results of the simulation will be compared with the data collected from the 3 kW prototype under construction in the Tuscia University in Italy. The paper illustrates the modeling of the system using TRNSYS platform, highlighting standard and “ad hoc” developed components as well as the global system efficiency.

The generation unit has thermal solar panels as heat source and photovoltaic modules for the needs of the auxiliary items (pumps, electronics, etc.). The aim of the paper is to simulate the power generation of a generating unit using the Rankine Cycle and using refrigerant R245fa as a working fluid. Alternatives to fuel combustion can be found in photovoltaic generators, and, with suitable conditions, small wind turbines or microhydroplants. However the cost and supply of fuel make a strong dependency of the communities on the external support. In many developing countries the power generation from Diesel engines is the applied technical solution. When the electricity from the grid is not available, the generation of electricity in remote areas is an essential challenge to satisfy important needs.